Interface to provide accessing objects as arrays.

The ArrayIterator class

The ArrayObject class

Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined function or if some arguments are missing.

Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined method or if some arguments are missing.

The Countable interface

Represents a date interval.

Represents a date period.

Mutable representation of date and time.

Immutable representation of date and time.

NAtive DateTime Interface

Representation of time zone.

Exception thrown if a value does not adhere to a defined valid data domain.

The Exception class

Exception thrown if an argument is not of the expected type.

Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated themselves internally.

Interface to create an external Iterator

Exception thrown if a length is invalid.

Exception that represents error in the program logic.

Exception thrown if a value is not a valid key.

Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested

Exception thrown when adding an element to a full container.


Represents a connection between PHP and a database server.

Represents an error raised by PDO.

Represents a prepared statement and, after the statement is executed, an associated result set.

Exception thrown to indicate range errors during program execution.

Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs.

Interface for customized serializing.

Implements a back to top button for the web page

Class localizes weekday and month names

Abstract implementation of a Diary log

Implements a basic diary log

Defines a Calendar Diary log

Defines basic featured for a Diary containing calendar logs

Description of DiaryContainer

Implements a date object containing corresponding diary logs

Defines a date containing corresponding Diary logs

Defines basic features of a Diary log container

The AbstractEvent class

Defines Task

Description of RepeatingTask

The BasicEvent class

Implements a BirthDay log object for a Diary

The Easter class

Implements a holiday log object for a Diary

The HolidayBuilder class

Defines a holiday log object for a Diary

The HolidayParser class


Interface Log

The LogFactory class

Implements an event factory

Implements an abstract calendar event collection

The BasicEvent class

Defines Task

Description of RepeatingTask

Description of RepeatingTask

The SingleEvent class

Description of Task

Implements an info section for all events and logs of a calendar day

The DateStamp class

Class DayView

The DefaultDateInfoView class

The BasicDateLogs class

The EventBuilder class

Description of EventViewBuilder

The SingleEventView class

Implements a birthday view builder

Implements a holiday log viewer

Implements a holiday view builder

Implements a holiday view builder

Implements a Log view builder

Description of WeekDay

Class MonthView

Description of ContactDataMailer

Class ContactFormValidator

Implementation of Controller

Application Configuration class for storing common application data

Description of FormView

Class ResultCalloutView

Result view

Class SubmissionView

Class SuccesfullSubmissionView

Implements a contact form view

Implements an action controller that copies content from the target component to the user's clipboard

Implements an abstract search form

Implements a Freefind search form

Implements a Sami PHP API search form

Implements a SiteSearch360 search form

Interface PoEntryContainer

Class EntryFileFilter

The ViewData class

Class FileEntry

Class GettextFile

Class MoFile

The Controller class

The PoFile class

Class PotFile

The RequestData class

Class GettextException

The SearchController class

The DownloadView class

The EntryView class

Class FileSelector

The PaginationView class

The PluralEntryView class

The ResultSynopsis class

The ResultView class

Class SearchForm

The SingularEntryView class

Implements a Slick Carousel in PHP

Implements a slide for Orbit

Implements a figure slide for Orbit

Implements a Responsive Embed slide for a Orbit component

Defines a slide for Orbit

Implements a factory for Diary creation from FitNotes application data


The DB class

Class Fitnotes

Class FitNotesRow

The ExerciseException class

Class FitNotesException

The SportsException class

Class UnitMismatchExeption

Class BodyWeightExerciseView

Implements pane builder for distance and time exercises

Class ExerciseIconView

Abstract implementation of exercise view builder

The DailyActivity class

Implements pane builder for timed exercises

Class ExerciseIconView

The ExerciseViews class

The WorkoutViews class

Implements pane builder for weightlifting exercises

Implements a workout log viewer

Class WorkoutSelectorForm

Class BodyWeightExercise

Class BodyWeightSet

Class Calculator

Implements a distance and time exercise

Implements a distance and time set for workout exercise

Implements a sports exercise

Defines an exercise set for workout exercises

Implements a timed exercise like basketball

Implements timed exercise set

Class Utils

Implements a weightlifting exercise

Implements a weightlifting set

Implements a workout entry for a diary

Class CalendarController

Class AbstractDb


Description of DataSaver

Class DataException

Interface ShareData

Class DomainUsersStats

Description of DataSaver

Class DomainUsersStats

Class PathShareData

Implemnts basic traffic statistics

Class URLData

Class URLDataDb


Class ManufacturerShareData

Class Browser

Class Browser

Class UserAgentParser

Class UserAgentShareData

Class UserAgentVersion

Class Browsers

Class DateTata

Site user for tracking purposes

Class Visitors

Class GeneralTracker

Class SearchEngine

Class Stats

Class AbstractView

Class Pie

Class DateDataDetailsView

Implements a MonthSelector for calendar

Class DayDataView

Class DomainStatisticsView

Class Factory

Class GeneralInfoView

Class VersionView

Class AbstractUserAgentView

Class BasicShareView

Class DefaultView

Class MakerShareView

Class ManufacturerModelsView

Class SearchEngine

Class SearchEngineResultView

Class TypeSharePie

Class UAView

Class UserAgentViews

Class VersionView

The Controller class

Class AtomException

Class RSSException

The RSSException class

The AbstractEntry class

The AbstractFeed class

Implementation of an Atom feed entry

Class AtomEntry

The Entry Interface

Interface FeedInterface

The AtomLink class

Class Loader

Defines a feed link to a related Web page


Class Implements anRRS feed reader

Implementation of an RSS feed entry

The ViewData class

The ChannelView class

Class FeedSelectionsFormView

Abstract implementation of an Accordion Pane

Implements an Foundation Accordion

Implements a Pane for a Foundation Accordion

Defines a Pane for Foundation Accordion

Implements a Button Group

The Dropdown class

Implements a framework form

The InputGroup class

The InputGroup class

Implements a based radio switch

Implements a switchboard

Implements an abstract foundation based switch

The ValidableInputCol class

The Modal class

The Link class

Class Pagination

The ToolBar class

SPHP-specific bad method call exception

Class BootstrapException

Class AbstractClassManager

The AbstractCol class

Class AbstractResponsiveComponent


The Col class

The Container class

The ResponsiveLayoutComponent Interface


The RowColumn class

The Spacer class

The SpacingManager class

Application Configuration class for storing common application data

Class sends uncaught exception messages to the proper handlers

Defines an Error listener for Error dispatcher

The ErrorManager class

Implements an Error Exception thrower

Defines an Exception listener for Error dispatcher

Logs uncaught exceptions to a file for debugging

Sends a thrown exception as a email

Description of ConfigurationException

Implementation of LocaleManager


Utility class for PHP configuration

Implements class for managing PHP settings

Implements class for managing PHP settings

Shutdown process handler, allows you to unregister a process (not supported natively in PHP)

Abstract implementation of a Data object

Implements a geographical address

The CountyDataCollection class

The Country class

Defines properties for a geographical address

Implements a person data object

Implements the conditions for statements in SQL

An abstract implementation of a DELETE statement

An abstract implementation of an INSERT statement

An abstract implementation of a SELECT statement

Abstract Base class for any executable SQL Statements

An abstract implementation of an UPDATE statement

Defines a conditional SQL statement

Defines basic methods for database data manipulation


Implements a Database statement factory

Defines a DELETE statement

Abstract Implementation of aDbObjectInterface storage

A factory for creating EntityManager instances

Implements a Location storage

Defines required properties for a DbObjectInterface storage

Implements some parts of Item interface.

Implements a geographical address

Defines common features for all database objects.

Defines properties for a geographical address

Implements a geographical location

Interface describes common features for all Objects.

Implements a system user

Description of SessionData

Implements a system user

Implements a system user

Defines properties for a user

Represents an error raised during database related code execution

Defines an INSERT statement

Legacy implementation of DELETE statement

Legacy implementation of INSERT statement

Legacy implementation of SELECT statement

Legacy implementation of UPDATE statement

MySQL implementation of INSERT statement

MySQL implementation of SELECT statement

Represents a connection between PHP and a database server

Implements a SessionUser storage

Abstract implementation of parameter handler

Named parameter handler

Defines a parameter handler

Sequential parameter handler

Defines a SELECT statement

Implements a collection of rules

Implements a single rule for comparison operations in SQL queries

Defines a rule to SQL CLAUSES

Interface for database data manipulation

Defines an UPDATE statement

Description of Utils

Class AbstractConstraintsAggregate

Implements a constraint including all dates after the limit

Class AllOf

Implements an annual date constraint

Class OneOf

Implements a group of dates constraint

Implements a constraint including all dates before the limit

Implements a between two dates date constraint

Class ConstraintAggregate

Class ConstraintAggregate

Defines a constraint for Calendar Dates

Class Exactly

Class Factory

Implements a between two dates date constraint

Implements a monthly date constraint

The NoneOf class

Implements a varying annual date constraint

Implements a weekly date constraint

The Date Interface

Defines properties for a datetime

Implements a factory for basic datetime object creation

Defines a duration of time

The BadMethodCallException class

SPHP-specific invalid argument exception

Indicates the current state of the object involved is invalid

Implements a date object

Implements a datetime object

Implements a date interval

Implements a factory for basic interval object creation

Implements a date period

Implements a date period factory

Implements a time of a day

Class TimeZones

Implements a simple interface to track the consumed time

Implements a simple interface to track the consumed time

Class ApiLink

Description of PHPApiLinkParser

Description of InlineApiLinkRenderer

Class ApilinkerExtension

The DocumentMentionGenerator class

Abstract Hyperlink generator pointing to an API documentation

Abstract implementation of itemlinker

URL string generator pointing to an online site

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online API documentation

Defines a Hyperlink object generator pointing to an existing site

Class InvalidArgumentException

Class NotNativeException

Basic implementation of a hyperlink generator about an HTML attribute

Hyperlink generator pointing to online w3schools documentation

Description of HTML documentation URL generator

API link builder for HTML tags

Description of Utils

URL generator pointing to online w3schools documentation

Defines an attribute injector

Defines a Hyperlink object generator pointing to an existing site

Implements a link factory pointing to an external API documentation about a PHP class, interface or trait method

Implements a link factory pointing to an external API documentation about a PHP class, interface or trait constant

Documentation link builder for a PHP class

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online PHP API about a class

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online API about a PHP constant

Implements an API documentation link factory for a PHP constant

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online API about a PHP function

Description of FunctionLinker

Implements a link factory pointing to an external API documentation about a PHP class, interface or trait method

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online API about a PHP namespace

Implements a URL string generator pointing to an online PHP API about an item in namespace

The NavbarItem Interface

Defines a URL string generator pointing to an online PHP API

Description of PHPApiUrlGeneratorCollection

Class Book

Class Extensions

The ManualReference class

Description of BookLinker

Class ClassConstantPathBuilder

Class ConstantPathBuilder

Description of ControlStructureLinker

Class TypePathBuilder

Interface ManualURL

URL string generator pointing to online PHP Manual

Class PHPManualRootUrlGenerator

Class URLUtils

Hyperlink generator pointing to an online PHP API documentation

URL string generator pointing to an existing Sami documentation

Implements a link factory pointing to an external API documentation about a PHP class, interface or trait property

ApiGen URL string generator pointing to an existing ApiGen documentation

The DoctumUrlGenerator class

URL string generator pointing to an existing Sami documentation

URL string generator pointing to an existing Sami documentation

Description of IconMapper

Description of Package

Description of ComposerPackage

Description of Packages

Description of ComposerPackage

Description of Packages

Defines a package

Description of AbstractPackageManager

Description of Packages

Class wraps the GeSHi (a Generic Syntax Highlighter)

Implements an accordion builder for PHP Example presentation

The Prism class

Defines default properties for a syntax highlighter component

Delegates dispatching an event to one or more dispatchers.

Class EventDispatcher

CompositeProvider is a listener provider that allows combining multiple listener providers.

Listener collection stores listeners and is used to configure provider.

Provider is a listener provider that registers event listeners for interfaces used in callable type-hints and gives out a list of handlers by event interface provided for further use with Dispatcher.

SPHP-specific bad method call exception

SPHP-specific Error Exception

SPHP-specific exception for file system errors

Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time

SPHP-specific invalid argument exception

Indicates the current state of the object involved is invalid

Description of LogicException

Exception thrown when an application attempts to use an object reference that has the null value

SPHP-specific out of bounds exception

Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested

Exception thrown when adding an element to a full container

Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs

SPHP-specific exception

SPHPlayground-specific exception interface

Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested

An abstract implementation of a filter

Class ArrayFilter

Class ArrayKeyChanger

Filter converts a numeric input value to a corresponding roman numeral

Class ArrayValueFilterAggregate

An aggregate of filters

Defines a data filter

An aggregate of filters

Class FilterIterator

A factory for variable filters

Filter formats an HTML code string

The IntInputFilter class

Filter formats an SQL string

Filter strips tags from the given input

Filters a variable with a specified filter

Implements a factory for some Foundation components

Implements a Foundation Equalizer.

Implements Foundation framework based Interchange adapter

Implements Visibility changer functionality

Description of Toggler

Defines VisibilityToggler

Implements a Close Button

Implements button styling adapter for Foundation Sites

Implements a Button Group

Defines the basic functionality of a Foundation styled button

Defines the basic functionality of a Foundation styled button

Trait implements ButtonInterface functionality

Implements <input type="file"> tag as a Foundation Button

Abstract implementation of an Accordion Pane

Implements an Foundation Accordion

Implements a Pane for a Foundation Accordion

Defines a Pane for Foundation Accordion

Implements an abstract base Pane for a Foundation Accordion

Defines a Foundation Callout component

Implements a layout manager for Block Grid columns

Implementation of CardReveal

Implements a Foundation Closable

Implements a Foundation Callout component

Implements Dropdown HTML component

Implements Reveal Modal

An abstract implementation of on Off-canvas area

Implements Off-canvas navigation component

Defines the basic requirements of a Foundation offcanvas area

An abstract implementation of on Off-canvas area

Implements Reveal Modal

Implements a layout manager for modal popups columns

Implements a Tab controller for Tabs

Implements a Tab for Tabs

Description of SyntaxHighlightingTab


Defines a Tab for Tabs

Defines a Tab controller for Tabs

Implements Foundation Tabs

Implements a Foundation framework based Close Button

Class MenuOpenerButton

Implements an abstract layout manager for responsive HTML components

Implements an alignment manger for Flexbox components

Defines a closable component

Trait implements ButtonStylingInterface functionality

Trait implements ColourableInterface functionality

Trait implements ColourableInterface functionality

Trait implements ColourableInterface functionality

Description of IndividualDataAttributesTrait

Description of DataOptionTools

Description of IndividualDataAttributesTrait

Implements a callout builder for PHP error message presentation

Description of FoundationSettings

Abstract implementation of a Foundation JavaScript component

Defines a Foundation JavaScript component

Implementation of JavaScriptOptionHandler

Implementation of JavaScriptOptionHandler

Implements an abstract layout manager for responsive HTML components

Defines a layout manager

Implements Screen reader label for Foundation

Defines Screen Sizes and types and implements screen size parsing functions

Implements an alignment manger for Flexbox components

Implements an alignment manger for Flexbox components

Implements Foundation Callout for Exception presentation

Defines Visibility Controls for HTML content

Extends a Foundation Row for form components

Implements a framework form

Implements an abstract foundation based switch

Implements an XY Grid Cell for visible form inputs

A component containing multiple Checkbox inputs

A component containing multiple radio or checkbox inputs

Defines a input column for a Grid system

Class InputGroup

Implements a based radio switch

A component containing multiple radio inputs

Slider allows to drag a handle to select a specific value from a range

Slider allows to drag a handle to select a specific value from a range

Slider allows to drag a handle to select a specific value from a range

Description of ValueViewer

Implements a switchboard

Implements a Foundation Framework based switch

Implements a Validable Foundation based Inline Input

Description of ValidableInputContainerTrait

Implements an XY Grid Cell

Implements an abstract XY Grid Row container (a Grid)

Implements an XY Grid Row

Implements an XY Grid Row

Defines an XY Block Grid Cell

Implements an XY Block Grid

Defines an XY Grid Cell

Implements an XY Grid Cell

Implements an XY Block Grid Column

Implements an XY Grid container

Defines a XY Grid (Row container)


Defines a XY Grid Row

Trait implements activation methods for orbit components

Class BasicSlide

Implements a bullet for Foundation framework based Orbit

Implements a bullet container for Foundation Orbit

Implements a slide for Orbit

Implements a Foundation framework based Orbit

Implements a Responsive Embed slide for a Orbit component

Defines a slide for Orbit

Implements a slide container for Foundation Orbit

Implements a Progress Bar

Implements a Responsive embed component

Defines properties for a Foundation Responsive Embed component

Implements an abstract menu

Implements an abstract Foundation Bar

Implements an abstract Bar content area

Describes a Bar content area

Implements a responsive Foundation bar container

Implements a Title Bar navigation menu

Implements a Title Bar content area

Implements a Foundation Top Bar

Implements a Title Bar content area

Implements a Breadcrumbs component

Implements a Foundation framework based menu builder

Description of MenuLinkBuilder

Class TopBarBuilder

Implements a flexible navigation menu

Defines a basic menu

Implements a Foundation framework based menu builder

Defines a menu item for navigation menus

Implements a simple section separator line for Foundation menu structures

Implements a hyperlink component for the menu component

Description of MenuLinkBuilder

Implements a Pagination component

Description of ResponsiveMenu

Implements a menu ruler

Implements a Foundation navigation submenu

Abstract Class provides a simple implementation of the component containing other components

Class is the base class for all HTML tag components acting as HTML component containers

Abstract implementation of the Content interface

Abstract Class is the base class for all HTML tag implementations

Abstract base class for HTML component adapters

Implements an Abstract CSS Class Adapter

Defines an adapter pattern interface for HTML content

Inserts a qTip style tooltip to the adaptee

Inserts a Tipso style tooltip to the adaptee

Implements a Visibility Adapter

Class Ajax

Implements a CookieBanner

Class AbstractAttribute

An abstract implementation of an HTML attribute object

Interface AttributeInterface

Implements default attribute manager for all HTML components

Class AttributeFactory

An implementation of CSS class attribute

Defines an HTML attribute with multiple values

Description of CssClassParser

Implementation of an HTML attribute exception

Exception thrown if immutable attribute (value) is attempted to modify

Exception thrown if attribute value is invalid

Implements an id attribute for an HTML element

Implements a storage for HTML id attribute values

Defines an immutable HTML attribute object

Implements an JSON attribute object

Implements an property attribute object

Defines a mutable HTML attribute object

Implements a regular expression validable attribute

Description of PropertyParser

Default implementation of an attribute

Class StyleAttribute

Implementation of an HTML body tag

Defines the basic functionality of any HTML component

Trait implements functionality of a Component Interface

Defines the properties required from a traversable HTML component container with

Defines the properties required from a HTML component acting as a traversable component container

The base class for all HTML tag components acting as HTML component containers

Defines basic features for all HTML structures

Implements a basic iterator for HTML content

Defines a resource container

Trait implements functionality of the ContentParser

Defines the basic functionality of a HTML content having CSS classes as attributes

Trait implements functionality of the CssClassifiableContent

Implementation of an HTML time tag

Defines an HTML <time tag


Implementation of an HTML div tag

Implements an empty tag

Exception thrown if an HTML error occurs

Implementation of an HTML form tag

An abstract implementation of an HTML <button type="submit|reset|button|image" tag

Implementation of an HTML button type="button" tag

Defines HTML buttons used in HTML forms

button type="reset" tag

Description of Submitter

Implements <button type="submit" tag

Defines a form submitter

Implementation of an HTML form tag

fieldset tag

Defines required properties for an HTML form tag object

Defines a form controller

Class is the abstract base class for all <input> tag implementations

Implementation of an HTML input type="text|password|email|tel| ...))" tag

Implements a Any+Time datetime-input widget

Defines an HTML input type="radio|checkbox" tag

Implements <input type="button|submit|reset"> button tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="button" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="reset" tag

Implements <input type="submit" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="checkbox" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="radio|checkbox" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="email" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="file" tag

Implementation of an HTML form component factory

Implementation of an HTML input type="hidden" tag

Implements hidden data component for HTML forms

Defines required operations for all HTML form input components

Class InputFactory

Implementation of an HTML input tag

Trait implements the Input for input tags

Implements a jQuery range slider with skin support

Implements jQuery range slider with skin support

Implements a jQuery based range slider with skin support

Class AbstractOptionContainer

Description of Datalist

Defines datalist and select menu content components

Factory for generating <select> menus

Implementation of an HTML optgroup tag

Implementation of an HTML option tag

The Menu Interface

Implementation of an HTML select tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="number" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="password" tag

Defines required operations for a pattern validable input components

Implementation of an HTML input type="radio" tag

Defines a range input for HTML forms

Implementation of an HTML input type="search" tag

Implementation of an HTML input type="text" tag

Implementation of an HTML textarea tag

Defines an HTML <input type="text|password|email|tel| ...))" tag

Defines basic functionality of all validable inputs

Implementation of an HTML label tag

Defines an HTML label tag

Implementation of an HTML legend tag

Implementation of an HTML base tag

Class MetaDataException

Implementation of an HTML head tag

Factory for HTML <head> components

Class ImmutableMeta

Class Link

Defines an HTML <link tag

Implementation of an HTML link tag

Class MetaContainer

Defines metadata element

Implements a Meta data object factory

Implementation of an HTML meta tag

Implementation of an HTML title tag

Implementation of an HTML html tag

Defines the basic functionality of an identifiable HTML component

Defines InlineContainer


Implementation of an HTML dd tag


Implements an HTML Description List

The common Interface for both of the content tag types of an definition list


Implementation of an HTML dt tag

Implements a hyperlink type menu item


Implements an HTML-list element <li tag


Implements an ordered HTML list

Abstract implementation of both ordered and unordered HTML-list

Describes the content of ordered and unordered lists


Implements an unordered HTML-list

Implementation of an HTML canvas tag

Defines an HTML <iframe tag (an inline frame)

Implementation of an HTML figcaption tag

figure tag

Implements a factory for Font Awesome icon objects

Abstract Implementation of an icon based on fonts and HTML tags

Implements a Crossbones SVG image object

Implements a factory for Devicons icon objects

File type icon factory

Implementation of FileTypeIconMapper

Implements a factory for Font Awesome icon objects

Implements icon based on fonts and HTML tags

Defines an accessible icon based on fonts or SVG an JavaScript

Implements brand icon links bar

Implements a factory for Font Awesome icon objects

Implementation of an HTML icon based on fonts or SVG

Implementation of NationalFlags

area tag

Defines the basic properties of an HTML <area tag

Implementation of a circle shaped HTML area tag

Class CoordinateException

Class InvalidAreaException


Implementation of an HTML map tag

Implementation of a polygon shaped HTML area tag

Implementation of a rectangle shaped HTML area tag


Implements an SVG image object

Implements an SVG object loader utility


Implementation of an HTML img tag

Class LazyImage

Interface LazyMediaSource

Defines an HTML media source

Implements an abstract iframe based Video component

Implementation of an HTML audio tag

Implements an embeddable Dailymotion Video component

embed tag

Class VideoPlayerException

Implementation of an HTML iframe tag (an inline frame)

Class LazyIframe

Implementation of a lazy loading HTML source tag

Class LazyVideo

Defines properties HTML multimedia tags

Class AbstractMediaTag

Defines multimedia resources for media components

Implementation of an HTML object tag

Implementation of an HTML param tag

Implementation of an HTML source tag

Implementation of an HTML track tag

Implementation of an HTML video tag

Implements an VideoJs component

Defines properties for a videoplayer component

Implements an embeddable Vimeo Video component

Implements an embeddable Youtube Video palyer component

Defines sizing of HTML media components

Trait implements the SizeableMedia interface

Implements VideoJS component


Implementation of an HTML a tag

Defines the basic functionality of any HTML hyperlink

Implements a hyperlink container


Implementation of an HTML nav tag

Implements a container for HTML components and other textual content

Implements PHP message outputting To Browser Console

Implementation of an HTML script tag having script code as its content

Implementation of an HTML script tag having script code as its content

Implementation of an HTML noscript tag

Defines an HTML script component

Defines an HTML script tag

Implements a JavaScript component container

Abstract implementation of an HTML flow container

Implementation of an HTML article tag

Implementation of an HTML aside tag

Implementation of an HTML blockquote tag

Class Code

Interface FlowContainer

Implementation of an HTML footer tag

Abstract implementation of HTML headings and sub headings


Implementation of an HTML h1 heading


Implementation of an HTML h2 heading


Implementation of an HTML h3 heading


Implementation of an HTML h4 heading


Implementation of an HTML h5 heading


Implementation of an HTML h6 heading

The Header class

Interface represents all HTML headings and sub headings


Class Hr


The I class

Implementation of an HTML main tag

Implementation of an HTML p tag


Class Pre

Implementation of an HTML section tag

Class Small

Base for all simple container tags

Implementation of an HTML span tag

Implementation of an HTML html tag

Abstract implementation of HTML table cells

Implementation of an HTML caption tag

Base definition for all Tr content (table cells)

Implementation of an HTML table builder from CSV data

Exception thrown if a table related error occurs.

Implementation of an HTML table labeller

Implementation of a line numberer for HTML tables


Base definition for all HTML tr table rows

Abstract implementation of an HTML table row container

Implementation of an HTML table tag

Implementation of an HTML table factory

Interface is the base for all HTML table content

Definiton of a filter for HTML tables

Implementation of an HTML tbody tag


Implementation of an HTML td tag

Implementation of an HTML tfoot tag


Implementation of an HTML th tag

Implementation of an HTML thead tag


Implementation of an HTML tr tag


Interface is the base for build in HTML tag implementations

Factory for basic HTML tag component creation

Defines the properties required from a traversable HTML component

Trait implements some TraversableContent functionality

Utility class for MIME type resolving


The SRI class

Class localizes weekday and month names

Class localizes weekday and month names

The InvalidArgumentException class

Class LocaleException

The TranslatorException class

Implements a natural language translator

Defines properties for natural language translator

Class contains some image manipulation tools

Defines image for some basic transformations

Class contains some image manipulation tools

Implements image using Imagine PHP library

Class contains some image manipulation tools

Implements an URL router

The Devicon class

Implements a factory for Devicons icon objects

Implementation of FileTypeIconMapper

Implements a factory for Font Awesome icon objects

Implements icon based on fonts and HTML tags

Defines an accessible icon based on fonts or SVG an JavaScript

Implements a factory for Font Awesome icon objects

The IconObject class

Implementation of NationalFlags


Implements an SVG image object

Abstract base class for a HTTP header

Modern cookie management for PHP

Implementation of Cookies

Abstract base class for a single header

Defines a single header

Operable PHP header collection

Implements a query part of an URL

Tools to work with remote files and directories

Class handles a PHP session

Implements a session handler for file system storage

Class handles a session that stored ist data to a database


Implements an URL object for manipulation and comparison

Description of Utils

Class ClassConstantReflector

Defines a class member reflector

Reflection class that reports information about a class

Class reports information about a PHP constant

Hyperlink generator pointing to an online PHP API documentation

Interface ExtensionMemberReflector

Interface ExtensionReflectable

Reports information about an extension

Class FunctionReflector

Class ReflectionMethod

Class ClassPropertyReflector

The Reflector interface

Class AbstractPHPReflecetor

Trait ExtensionReflectionTrait

Trait implementation of ExtensionReflectable

Class NamespaceUtils

The PHPWord class

Class PHPLanguageWords

Implements a CRSF token generator and validator

Implementation of ReCAPTCHAException

Implements a verifiable password

Defines a verifiable password

Implements user's rights

Implementation of Google reCAPTCHA v3

Implements Google reCAPTCHA HTML component

Utility class for PHP array operations

Implements a bitmask object

Implements an Queue using PHP arrays

An implementation of a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack

Defines properties of an object that can be serialized to array

Implements a general purpose collection data structure

Defines a general purpose collection

Application Configuration class for storing common application data

Implementation of an Execution Sequence

Implements an Object Storage

Class PriorityList

An implementation of a stable priority queue

Defines properties of a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue

An implementation of a sequence of values

Defines properties of a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack

Implements an unique priority queue

Event object that can also act as a container for any type of data.

Defines an event

Implements an event dispatcher

Defines minimum requirements of an Event Dispatcher

Defines an event listener

SPHP-specific exception for file system errors

Tools to work with files and directories

Implements a multibyte string class

Defines the observer part of the Observer Design Pattern

Defines the subject part of the Observer Design Pattern

Trait implements Subject interface in observer pattern

Implementation of ArrayParser


Implements a CSV data reader

CSV file object

The ParseException class


Implements an INI config data parser

Implements an JSON reader

Implements a Markdown converter

Implements a general parser factory

Provides static methods for some simple scalar operations

Defines a string converter

Implements a YAML encoder and decoder

Description of UUID

Implements a simple interface to track the consumed time

Class URLTemplate

Utility class for multibyte string operations

Validates data against certain limit

Abstract superclass for miscellaneous data validation

Validates collection length

Implementation of AbstractDateTimeComparisonValidator

Validates a datetime

Validates a datetime being earlier than the limit

Implementation of InPeriod

Validates a datetime being later than the limit

Validates a value as an email address

Validates given form data

Validates data against certain minimum value

Validates data against expected value

Validates data against certain haystack

Validates data being an object of certain type

Class Json

Validates a value using (inclusive) disjunction of two validators

Description of ErrorMessages

Validates that the field has a non empty value

Validates data against certain numeric range

Validates a a string against a regular expression pattern

Validates data against certain maximum value

Validates string length


Validates an URL string or an instance of URL class.

The base interface for a validator

A container for validating a value against multiple validators

Validates keys of an array against a whitelist

The SplFileInfo class

The SplFileObject class

The SplPriorityQueue class

The SplTempFileObject class

Throwable interface

Interface to detect if a class is traversable using foreach.

The UnderflowException class

Exception thrown if a value does not match with a set of values